
samedi 1 juin 2019

à lire sur L'OBS - édition du matin - jeudi 2 mai 2019

02 mai 2019
À la une ce matin
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Protesters hold a tears gas canister, prior to the start of May Day demonstrations, in Paris on May 1, 2019. - France's zero-tolerance approach to protest violence will be tested on May 1,  when a heady mix of labour unionists, "yellow vest" demonstrators and hardline hooligans are expected to hit the streets on Labour Day. More than 7,400 police and gendarmes will be deployed across Paris with orders from the French President to take an "extremely firm stance" if faced with any violence, government spokeswoman said on April 30. (Photo by KENZO TRIBOUILLARD / AFP)
  Dans la manif parisienne du 1er-Mai : « Ah ben bravo les gars, vous avez arrêté un oiseau ! »
French riot police officers run through smoke of tear gas, in front of vehicles of the CGT union, prior to the start of May Day demonstrations, in Paris on May 1, 2019. - France's zero-tolerance approach to protest violence will be tested on May 1,  when a heady mix of labour unionists, "yellow vest" demonstrators and hardline hooligans are expected to hit the streets on Labour Day. More than 7,400 police and gendarmes will be deployed across Paris with orders from the French President to take an "extremely firm stance" if faced with any violence, government spokeswoman said on April 30. (Photo by Zakaria ABDELKAFI / AFP)
1er-Mai : les syndicats critiquent le dispositif sécuritaire mis en place
People stand in front of La Rotonde restaurant which is protected with wooden planks, in the district of Montparnasse, in the French capital, prior to the start of May Day demonstrations, in Paris on May 1, 2019. - France's zero-tolerance approach to protest violence will be tested on May 1,  when a heady mix of labour unionists, "yellow vest" demonstrators and hardline hooligans are expected to hit the streets on Labour Day. More than 7,400 police and gendarmes will be deployed across Paris with orders from the French President to take an "extremely firm stance" if faced with any violence, government spokeswoman said on April 30. (Photo by KENZO TRIBOUILLARD / AFP)
L’image du 1er-Mai : la Rotonde barricadée et encerclée par les CRS
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  1er mai : des manifestants grimés en Benalla
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April 11, 2019 - London, London, UK - London, UK. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange arrives at Westminster Magistrates Court in a police escort to appear where he faces an extradition warrant. (Credit Image: © Rob Pinney/London News Pictures via ZUMA Wire)
10 choses que vous ignorez peut-être sur Julian Assange, le fondateur de WikiLeaks
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Des personnes présentes à la Paris Blockchain Week Summit, le 16 avril.
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Alain Damasio.
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Smoke and flames rise from Notre-Dame Cathedral on April 15, 2019 in Paris, France. A fire broke out on Monday afternoon and quickly spread across the building, collapsing the spire. The cause is yet unknown but officials said it was possibly linked to ongoing renovation work.//HOUPLINERENARD_08180049/1904160833/Credit:HOUPLINE/SIPA/1904160833
Jean-Marie Le Pen affirme que l’incendie de Notre-Dame de Paris était « criminel »

 Dans la manif parisienne du 1er-Mai : « Ah ben bravo les gars, vous avez arrêté un oiseau ! » 

Les manifestations ont été globalement plus calmes que prévues. Près de 400 personnes ont été arrêtées, et une vingtaine blessées. Le récit de nos reporters.
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