
lundi 16 septembre 2019

à lire sur L'OBS - édition du soir - lundi 16 octobre 2019

16 septembre 2019
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La gare du Nord de demain souhaitée par la SNCF, le parvis.
First deputy mayor of Levallois-Perret Isabelle Balkany arrives in front of the City Hall as local residents gather to express support to the Mayor of Levallois-Perret, on September 14, 2019. - Mayor of Levallois-Perret received a 4-year prison sentence and his wife a 3-year sentence. (Photo by Zakaria ABDELKAFI / AFP)
Isabelle Balkany maire par intérim de Levallois-Perret, « indécent » mais bien légal
(FILES) In this file photo taken on April 30, 2019, Iranian military personnel ride in a patrol boat as they take part in the "National Persian Gulf day" in the Strait of Hormuz. - Iran on September 16 seized a boat suspected of being used to smuggle fuel, and arrested its 11 crew members near the vital Strait of Hormuz oil shipping lane, state television reported. A naval patrol of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) intercepted the vessel carrying 250,000 litres of fuel, state TV's website said, citing a commander of the force. (Photo by ATTA KENARE / AFP)
L’Iran saisit un pétrolier, la tension régionale à son comble
  On a cherché à comprendre la polémique sur le salaire des profs français
Christiane Féral-Schuhl, présidente du Conseil national des Barreaux.
  « C’est la mort du métier » : les avocats se dressent contre la réforme des retraites
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Ferrand, Rugy, Benalla... : 6 affaires qui plombent le mandat d'Emmanuel Macron
  Ferrand, Rugy, Benalla... : 6 affaires qui plombent le mandat d'Emmanuel Macron
Jonathan Davis de Korn : ses 3 riffs de guitare préférés
  Jonathan Davis de Korn : ses 3 riffs de guitare préférés
Montpellier rugby club president Mohed Altrad looks on prior to the French Top 14 rugby union match between Montpellier and Castres at The Altrad Stadium in Montpellier, southern France on August 26, 2018. (Photo by PASCAL GUYOT / AFP)
10 choses à savoir sur Mohed Altrad, le milliardaire qui veut devenir maire de Montpellier
  Histoire des ruptures : « Autrefois, le frère prenait les armes pour sa sœur larguée. Aujourd’hui, on est seule »
L'endroit où Icham Saffour a été retrouvé assassiné
  Corse : un proche de la Brise de Mer assassiné
This photograph taken on October 12, 2018, shows new European Union labelling on fuel pump nozzles at a petrol station in Lille, northern France, which has been implemented in vehicles as well. (Photo by PHILIPPE HUGUEN / AFP)
Vers une flambée des prix du carburant en France
Après l’interpellation, le jeune homme s’est vu prescrire trois jours d’ITT (incapacité totale de travail), selon le parquet.
Une femme de 27 ans poignardée en pleine rue par son compagnon, 105e féminicide de l’année
French Minister of Economy and Industry Emmanuel Macron checks his smartphone during the "Pole des reformateurs" (Reformer's Centre) meeting in Leognan near Bordeaux, southwestern France on August 27, 2015. AFP PHOTO / NICOLAS TUCAT (Photo by NICOLAS TUCAT / AFP)
Emmanuel Macron utilise une application secrète pour surveiller l’action de ses ministres
Dorothee Maquere, wife of French jihadist Jean-Michel Clain, sits with four of her five children at a screening area in the eastern Syrian province of Deir Ezzor, after fleeing the Islamic State (IS) group's embattled holdout of Baghouz, on March 5, 2019, during an operation by US-backed Syrian forces to expel IS jihadist from the area. - Maquere told AFP that her husband was killed last month two days after a coalition strike killed his brother Fabien. While Fabien was seen as a senior propagandist among the foreign fighters ranks of IS, his younger brother was known as a singer of the "nasheed" chants heard on some of the videos released by the organisation. (Photo by Delil SOULEIMAN / AFP)
Des familles de femmes et d’enfants retenus en Syrie portent plainte contre Le Drian
Protesters sit on the street as they take part during a pro-democracy march.
Protesters continue to demonstrate across Hong Kong for the 15th consecutive week. After marching for few hours from Causeway Bay towards Admiralty, clashes between protesters and riot police occurred in different parts of the island. Chief Executive Carrie Lam withdraw the polemic extradition law and  protesters now call to the government to attend the rest of their demands, including an independent inquiry into police brutality, the retraction of the word 'riot' to describe the rallies, and genuine universal suffrage. (Photo by Ivan Abreu / SOPA Images/Sipa USA)/27424465//1909160916
Comment l’inventivité des manifestants à Hong Kong leur permet de faire durer le mouvement

 Agrandissement de la gare du Nord : le projet qui énerve

Un chantier de rénovation actuellement en débat prévoit de multiplier par trois la superficie de la gare du Nord et par cinq les surfaces marchandes. Bonne ou mauvaise idée ?
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à partir de 1 € sans engagement

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