
jeudi 17 février 2022

à lire sur L'OBS - édition du soir - jeudi 17 février 2022


17 février 2022
À la une ce soir
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Conservative presidential candidate Valerie Pecresse, arrives on stage during a campaign rally, Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022 in Paris. Less than 60 days from the first round, Valerie Pecresse, 54, is struggling to take off in the polls — despite having had an initial boost last year when she was picked to be the French conservatives' first female presidential candidate.(AP Photo/Francois Mori)/PAR108/22044543879463//2202131611
A picture taken on July 24, 2020 shows the Besancon courthouse as suspect Nicolas Zepeda is to face questioning by a judge over the 2016 disappearance and alleged murder of Japanese student Narumi Kurosaki, after he arrived in the city following his extradition from Chile. - Narumi Kurosaki, 21, went missing in December 2016 from her university residence in Besancon, France, after having dinner with her Chilean ex-boyfriend Nicolas Zepeda. Despite extensive searches, her body was never found. Zepeda returned to Chile shortly after she went missing, before investigators could issue an arrest warrant. He was extradited on July 23, 2020, from Chile to France where he will face possible trial. (Photo by SEBASTIEN BOZON / AFP)
  Côté pile, un magistrat respecté. Côté face, un pervers qui fantasmait sur le viol de sa fille de 12 ans
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (L) and Senegal's President and AU President Macky Sall  (C) pose for a 'family photograph' with European and African leaders on the first day of a European Union (EU) African Union (AU) summit at The European Council Building in Brussels on February 17, 2022. (Photo by JOHN THYS / POOL / AFP)
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem : « L’Europe et l’Afrique enfin d’égal à égal ? »
French soldiers board a C-130 after the handover ceremony of the Barkhane military base to the Malian army in Timbuktu, on December 14, 2021. (Photo by FLORENT VERGNES / AFP)
  Français et Européens annoncent un « retrait coordonné » : Barkhane au Mali, la fin des illusions
Jean Clementin en février 1976 près de Paris
  L’espion du « Canard » : « Il y a beaucoup de zones d’ombre dans la vie de Jean Clémentin »
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Un eurodéputé bulgare accusé d'avoir fait un salut nazi en plein débat à Strasbourg
  Un eurodéputé bulgare accusé d'avoir fait un salut nazi en plein débat à Strasbourg
Mali : Emmanuel Macron annonce le retrait des forces françaises
  Mali : Emmanuel Macron annonce le retrait des forces françaises
  Marie-Pierre, veuve d’un cadre qui s’est suicidé : « Des hommes et des femmes ont décidé que l’on pouvait traiter les salariés ainsi  »
Capture d'écran
Un obus tombe sur une école en Ukraine, Kiev et les séparatistes s’accusent mutuellement
France, 2022-02-14. While the end of the vaccine pass has been announced for April or May 2022, the rules of the vaccine pass change on February 15. Photography by Dana Tentea / Hans Lucas.
France, 2022-02-14. Alors que la fin du pass vaccinal a ete annoncee pour avril ou mai 2022, les regles du passe vaccinal changent le 15 fevrier.
Photographie par Dana Tentea / Hans Lucas. (Photo by Dana Tentea / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP)
La fin du port du masque et du pass vaccinal mi-mars dépendra du nombre d’hospitalisations et du taux d’incidence
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a joint press conference with German Chancellor following their meeting over Ukraine security at the Kremlin, in Moscow, on February 15, 2022. - The Kremlin, earlier on February 15, 2022, confirmed a pullback of some Russian forces from Ukraine's borders but said the move was planned and stressed Russia would continue to move troops across the country as it saw fit. (Photo by Mikhail Klimentyev / Sputnik / AFP)
Moscou expulse le n°2 de l’ambassade américaine en Russie
de Guillaume Nicloux
Marco Mouly (Mardoche).
COLLECTION CHRISTOPHEL © Netflix - Gaumont Television - Moonshaker
documentaire; documentary (Photo by Netflix - Gaumont Television - M / Collection ChristopheL via AFP)
  Marco Mouly, le « roi de l’arnaque », mis en examen dans une nouvelle affaire
This handout video grab released by the Russian Defence Ministry on February 15, 2022, shows Russian tanks leaving for Russia after joint exercises of the armed forces of Russia and Belarus as part of an inspection of the Union State's Response Force, at a firing range near Brest. - Russia said on February 15, 2022 it was pulling back some of its forces near the Ukrainian border to their bases, in what would be the first major step towards de-escalation in weeks of crisis with the West. The move came amid an intense diplomatic effort to avert a feared Russian invasion of its pro-Western neighbour and after Moscow amassed more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine's borders. (Photo by Handout / Russian Defence Ministry / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO /  RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY" - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
« La Russie se dirige vers une invasion imminente » de l’Ukraine, affirme Washington
Plus belle la vie
La série « Plus belle la vie » va-t-elle s’arrêter après 18 saisons ?
These images show the devastating mudslides that swamped the Brazilian city of Petropolis overnight on Wednesday (15-16February2022).
Firefighters and residents searched for victims after flooding swept through a mountainous region north of Rio de Janeiro, following a month’s worth of rain in one night, sparking a disaster that killed at least 94 people.
Heavy rainfall starting on Tuesday evening caused the mudslides that tore  homes on the hillsides above the city and flooded that the streets below - sweeping away cars, trees, and people.
The mayor of Petrópolis, a historic city 70 miles from Rio de Janeiro’s famous beaches, said the death toll is likely to rise. A similar disaster in 2011 killed more than 900. 
According to Brazil’s National Meteorological Institute, the rains are the heaviest in the area since 1952. Experts say such extreme weather events are becoming more common due to climate change.
Where: Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
When: 16 Feb 2022
Credit: Corpo de Bombeiros Militar do Rio de Janeiro/Cover Images
Au moins 104 morts dans des inondations catastrophiques à Petropolis au Brésil

 Côté pile, un magistrat respecté. Côté face, un pervers qui fantasmait sur le viol de sa fille de 12 ans

Exclusif - Derrière « Maxivoluptatem », amateur de sites libertins, se dissimulait Olivier B., ancien magistrat en charge du pôle famille au tribunal de Dijon. Il est jugé demain pour « corruption de mineurs » après avoir proposé sa fille de 12 ans sur un site de rencontres.
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